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Logo Bologna University

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

The coordinator of LIFE 4 Pollinators is the University of Bologna, one of the most active Italian universities for competitive research funding at national and EU level. The researchers of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BiGeA) have a long year experience on pollination ecology, conservation of wild plants and pollinators, pollinator monitoring and plant taxonomy. The staff at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL) is expert in pollinator conservation and valorisation in the agro-ecosystem, causes and consequences of pollinator decline, management of green infrastructures in rural landscape, taxonomy of hoverflies. The Botanical Garden (SMA) a very ancient and consolidated institution that hosts collections of medicinal and aromatic, aquatic and exotic plants, is often involved in research and conservation projects and it periodically organises public events and special exhibitions. It is traditionally devoted to educational activities for schools.


Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria - Centro di Ricerca Agricoltura Ambiente

The Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) is a government institution under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry Policies, for which is the reference research institution. With more than 2000 employees, of which 800 researchers and technologists, CREA is the largest research institution dedicated to agriculture in Italy. The Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CREA-AA) is one of the 12 Research Centres of the CREA.
The apidology group of CREA-AA (formerly CRA-API and INA) has been working since 1931 to promote and implement initiatives aimed at increasing, optimising and disseminating beekeeping practices and beehive products. It works with the national and international scientific groups and network for the research in apidology.

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Confagricoltura dell'Emilia Romagna

Confagricoltura dell'Emilia Romagna represents, on a regional level, the Farmers' Unions (operating in the 9 provinces, in which the region is divided), as well as their members and the professional, trade union and economic categories, framed within them. Confagricoltura dell'Emilia Romagna is a pluralist organization, autonomous from political forces, which works to protect, defend and represent the interests of the agricultural enterprise (both individual and associated) and to promote a positive evolution of the primary sector as a whole, strongly linked to the development of efficient enterprises, able to compete on the market, and in close relationship both with the territory, its protection and enhancement, and with the entire regional economic system, characterized in many sectors by significant business dynamics.

Logo Imedea

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas

The State Agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), is a Spanish public research organization (known as OPI) of the General State Administration with a single legal personality that performs its function through multiple organizational structures lacking their own legal personality. CSIC research centers stand out due to their number and importance where the CSIC scientific and technical research activity is generally performed. Each of these centers are thematically integrated into one of the eight scientific areas of the CSIC. IMEDEA is the decentralized center that will be involved in the project. IMEDEA’s main objective is to develop excellence science focused on Mediterranean Insular systems (though not exclusively), their structural characteristics, functioning and responses to natural and human induced disturbances. The Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) is a joint reseach center of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) whose objective is to develop high-quality scientific and technical research in the area of Natural Resources, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary research in the mediterranean area.

Logo eZavod

E-zavod, zavod za projektno svetovanje, raziskovanje in razvoj celovitih rešitev

E-institute is a non-profit institute focused on performing activities, which contribute to quality of life of today’s society. All activities are closely linked with consideration of sustainable development principles, to ensure implementation of long-term valuable solutions. Our competences include activities covering fields of innovative economy, social welfare, energy efficiency, environment and nature protection. E-institute’s mission is to follow European and global trends with the goal to transform them into the applied projects performed on international and national level. E-institute is among others also living lab, therefore it has knowledge to manage triple helix networks, uses innovative approaches and ICT-based technologies to facilitate innovation processes on the regional, national and international level.


University of the Aegean

Founded in 1984, the University of the Aegean (hereafter, UAEGEAN), is ranked as one of the big universities in Greece with 18 departments and 40 Post-Graduate Study Programs. It is dispersed over six Aegean islands, offering modern education and emphasising the promotion of basic and applied research. The University’s connection with other Greek and foreign Universities, Research Institutions, and Businesses, its fully equipped laboratories and the top quality of its scientific and research staff have resulted in outstanding results demonstrated in different fields and levels. UAEGEAN has successfully implemented several EU co-funded projects (i.e. CORDIS, SCALES).
The project team includes members from Geography and Environment Departments, both focusing on the research/management/conservation of biodiversity and natural resources. The core team, from the Biogeography and Ecology Lab, is knowledgeable and fully equipped to support multi-facetted research in pollination ecology.

Logo Vigo University

Universidade de Vigo

The University of Vigo is a public University located in Galicia (Northwest of Spain). It was founded in 1990 and it has progressively increased the quality of its scientific research and investments in research infrastructure. It has been ranked repeatedly within the 100 best world universities of less than 50 years old by The Times Higher Education.
The research group involved in this project (Divulgare) is dedicated to the study of the ecology and evolution of interactions between species, with special emphasis on pollination processes, seed dispersal and biological invasions It also excels in scientific dissemination, through the production of audiovisuals that has allowed it to receive numerous international awards.